Below are lister Job Postings for our member churches of our Association. Contact the church directly for more information concerning any particular Job Opening. Our Association is posting this as a service to our Member Churches and has no authority or any other responsibility for these positions.

Hey team, if you have youth or young adults or even adults that would like to be involved in ministry opportunities for this summer without having to travel out of country or state we have a place right in our back yard that is needing help. Lathan Springs Encampment has several positions that are open at this time. If your students are in high school or above they are needed. See the flyer below from the camp that will tell of the number of campers that come through the gates and the number that will be entering the gates of heaven because they came to faith while at the camp this past summer. Help me get the word out and let's see how God can use these to enlarge His kingdom. God bless, Lowell